What do you get when you put together a bunch of sizzling hot Diva Moms, a topless buff male, and a lot of wine? You get…a book launch. That had to be obvious. And, oh, what a book launch indeed. I had one of the greatest nights, this past Tuesday, July 31st, when my close friend, and soul sister, Amy and I hit the city and super fun Divalysscious Moms Book Club event, on the […]

I am no longer a virgin. A Spinning Virgin. Yes, I handed in my Spinning “V” card this week. (I’m just trying to see how much mileage I can get out of this whole “virgin” metaphor. Okay, I think I’m done now.) I’ve been resistant to the excersising phenomenon, which has clearly swept the coasts, for a very long time. Like, years. One by one, I’ve watched friend after friend become sucked into this Spinning vortex. […]

Okay, ladies, and some of you gents, the time has come for me to answer your incessant question, “What should I read now that I’m done with Fifty Shades of Grey?” Since I started blogging about my man Fifty, about eight or nine months ago (and no, there will not be a Fifty baby in this house),  I’ve been asked this question everywhere I go. During the school year, this came up a lot at drop-off […]

Until those camp buses leave, I don’t consider it summer-time. Well, break out the suntan lotion and mix those margaritas, because school is out and I’m ready to kick-back and relax. No carpools, no drop-offs and pick-ups, no snacks or lunches, no projects that are really mine to complete, no homework, and no more yelling to “stop fighting and quiet down.”  Hip-hip hooray! Okay, I still have Jake at home, but we all know having […]

Hey Mister DJ

May 28, 2012

I don’t know where the time seems to go. Memorial Day is here and another summer is upon us. (I swear the years go by faster and faster. Oh G-d…I totally sound like my Mother.) Well, I just can’t seem to get my head on straight lately. And, I know where it all started. It was about 3 weeks ago when Mark and I went on our no-kids allowed long weekend to the Bahamas, for […]